Competing has always been in my blood. From the age of three my Mom had me on stage in countless beauty pageants. At the same time I thrived as an athlete playing volleyball, basketball and soccer in high school. Ultimately I earned a soccer scholarship to Virginia Commonwealth University. Upon graduation I began modeling – I’ve appeared in numerous magazines from “Oxygen” to “Maxim” to “Black Belt” – and became a professional cheerleader for the Washington Redskins. It was during this time that fitness became my passion. I decided to study everything about exercise and nutrition and became certified as a master personal trainer and nutritionist. In the spring of 2010 a friend of mine suggested that I look into competing in the IFBB. The Bikini division was a perfect marriage of my athletic desire and my love of glamour. That summer, after winning for NPC (National Physique Committee) shows I earned my IFBB pro card and haven’t looked back. Currently I work as a spokesmodel and blogger for SAN Nutrition and I recently earned an invitation to compete in the prestigious Arnold Classic. I can’t wait!