For starters, because this is a workout website, sexual activity is an excellent fitness workout. In a 30 minute sex, approximately 85 calories are burned, even more. When you see this number it may well not be what you expected, but it’s great once sex is regular.
Besides burning calories, sex is also positive when it comes to blood pressure and flow. During sex, the heart pumps quicker and supplies the brain with fresh blood full of oxygen. This fresh blood and oxygen fights the toxins in your body and delivers from them.
Many people will say that sexual activity is the fountain of youth. Well in a way, it is. The Dehidroepiandrosterona (DHEA) increases as a result of excitement and orgasm climax, which improves the cognitive process, keeps the skin healthy and can even react as an antidepressant. This sometimes is referred to as a Fountain of Youth.

After an orgasm, the body is instantly catapulted in to a very relaxed and calm state. The after effect of sexual activity is probably the best time to fall asleep. Men are more likely to fall asleep in a few minutes right after sexual intercourse, but women aren’t immune either. Some people say that sexual activity is the best cure for insomnia.
With regular sex, the estrogen in women increases, thus leading to higher level of sexual urge. Also, higher level of estrogen protects from Osteoporosis, Endometriosis and Alzheimer’s disease. The menstrual cycle is regular and on date with regular sex activity.
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