Sunday, June 15, 2008
New England Patriots 2008 Cheerleader Swimsuit Calendar Shoot
2008 Philadelphia Eagles - My Pick

Experience: Rookie
Profession: Student / Dance Teacher
College: Rowan
Degree: Theater

Experience: 2
Degree: Medical Secretary, Model
College: Rutgers
Degree: Management Science and Information Systems/Communications

Profession: Operating Room Nurse
College: Drexel University
Degree: Nursing

Experience: 2
Profession: Physical Education Teacher
College: West Chester University
Degree: Kinesiology

Experience: 3
Profession: Financial Data Systems Analyst
College: La Salle
Degree: Management Information Systems

Experience: Rookie
Profession: Student
College: Villanova University
Degree: Accounting and Finance

Experience: 2
Profession: Student
College: University of the Arts
Degree: Dance

Experience: 2
Profession: Public Accountant
College: Johnson & Wales
Degree: Accounting

Experience: 3
Profession: Elementary School Teacher
College: West Chester University
Degree: Elementary Education

Profession: Professional Dancer
College: University Of The Arts
Degree: Modern Dance Performance

Experience: Rookie
Profession: Full-Time Student
College: University of the Arts
Degree: Jazz Dance Performance

Experience: 3
Profession: Nurse Assistant
College: University of Delaware
Degree: Applied Nutrition/Pediatrics
Profession: Student, Dance Teacher
College: Temple University
Degree: Dance, minor in Business
Health Advantages of Regular Sex Activity

For starters, because this is a workout website, sexual activity is an excellent fitness workout. In a 30 minute sex, approximately 85 calories are burned, even more. When you see this number it may well not be what you expected, but it’s great once sex is regular.
Besides burning calories, sex is also positive when it comes to blood pressure and flow. During sex, the heart pumps quicker and supplies the brain with fresh blood full of oxygen. This fresh blood and oxygen fights the toxins in your body and delivers from them.
Many people will say that sexual activity is the fountain of youth. Well in a way, it is. The Dehidroepiandrosterona (DHEA) increases as a result of excitement and orgasm climax, which improves the cognitive process, keeps the skin healthy and can even react as an antidepressant. This sometimes is referred to as a Fountain of Youth.

After an orgasm, the body is instantly catapulted in to a very relaxed and calm state. The after effect of sexual activity is probably the best time to fall asleep. Men are more likely to fall asleep in a few minutes right after sexual intercourse, but women aren’t immune either. Some people say that sexual activity is the best cure for insomnia.
With regular sex, the estrogen in women increases, thus leading to higher level of sexual urge. Also, higher level of estrogen protects from Osteoporosis, Endometriosis and Alzheimer’s disease. The menstrual cycle is regular and on date with regular sex activity.
Abs - The Bicycle Crunch

Make three sets with as much as repetitions as you can.

The taste of the exercise is probably on the last repetition, once you are through with the set, go back to initial starting position as slow as possible. The abs will contract in a hard core manner. Stand up after the set; don’t get a habit by laying down on the floor in-between sets – that’s lazy for the motivation.
Abs - Crunches

- Bend your knees enough to touch the floor flat on your feet.
- Put your arms behind your head
- Now lift the shoulders from the floor and hold that position for about two seconds.
- Return to initial position, but don’t touch the floor.
- Do 3 sets with 25 to 30 repetitions.

Abs - The Double Crunch

Make the initial position on the floor for the classic crunch exercise (flat on the back, knees bend with flat feet on the floor, and arms behind your neck. Now perform the crunching movement with the upper body (move your chest towards your stomach, but don’t bend only the upper part of back) and move your legs with bended knees towards your stomach. The upper and lowrd body should meet in the center, right above the stomach making a double crunch.
After the crunch return to initial position but make sure you don’t touch the floor with your feet and your head. Continue to with the repetitions until you reach your highest number. Take few minutes to rest and then do another set. You can perform 3-4 sets with as much as repetitions as possible; don’t overdo it or it won’t have an effect.
If you find this exercise to hard for you, than postpone for later stages in exercising; after you have accomplished the classic crunch and the lower-body crunch exercise. Remember to stay concentrated throughout the repetitions and don’t rush into them.
Keep the motivation on a high level and the exercise will make its course. Have fun.
Abs - V-Ups

The first thing you should do is find enough space on the floor to do this exercise. Make sure there is nobody around you, something heavy or fragile for that matter which won’t make contact with your body. Also, place a floor mat on the floor.
Li on the floor mat with your back and straighten your arms above your head. Remain in that initial position for just couple of seconds so that the body will prepare itself for the exercise movements. Now, concentrate!
Contract the abdominal muscles and move your upper body (with the arms straighten above your head) and the legs in a vertical position. This movement should form a V letter. When you achieve the V letter, slowly return to initial position and start another repetition.
Since this exercise requires no dumbbell or barbell, make 3 sets with as much as repetitions as you can.
Remember to keep a straight back at all times; straighten your arms above your head and contract those abdominals in order to form the V letter. If one repetition is heavy to perform, don’t give up the next time. The next time you’ll probably be able to do two; then three and etc.
Abs - Workout Cross Body Mountain Climbers

The legs should be spread a bit wider in order to maintain body balance while performing the exercise.
Once in place, move the left leg towards the right elbow. When the leg moves in front of the abdominals it must not touch the floor. Bring back the leg to initial position and repeat the movement with the other leg. Make as much as repetitions as possible.

Saturday, June 14, 2008
Abs - Vertical Leg Crunch

This exercise triggers the upper abdominal muscles. There is no need of a machine or an exercise ball, enough space around you is quite enough
Lie on your back and straighten your legs up high, the body should form a 90 degree angle in the waist. Place your hands behind your head and then make a classic abs crunch towards the stomach. Make around 15 repetitions in 3 sets.
Abs - Leg Rises

This is quite a strong exercise so don’t rush into many repetitions at once. Let the abs do their work one set at a time.
Abs - Plank