One of the biggest things that intimidate women who would like to try lifting weights is that they don’t want to be lifting with see all these big scary sausage-looking men besides them. Another problem is that 8 out of 10 women believe if they lift heavier they will build a masculine body. Well here is some science for you ladies:
Women have two (XX) chromosomes, while their male counterparts have (XY). Women have only 1/10 the amount of testosterone that men have. This is the hormone that causes muscle growth and causes fat loss in men as well as many other masculine attributes. I’ve seen women who are 5’7 120lbs squatting 275lbs and still have a nice toned slender body. You can try to lift as much as you want but unless it is in your genes you will never look like a man! Here are some reasons why weight training should be added to your exercise program:
- Your life will be easier - This is a good thing for some women especially the ones who like to be independent and not always worry about men doing something for them. This will make daily activities such as carrying groceries, playing with children, and various chores around the house much easier.
- Adding Sexy Curves- This is what most women want especially those on the thinner side. A good weight training program will help you have the body you want. If you have a problem gaining weight normally try lifting weights to add some decent size to your hips, thighs, and butt. You will an excellent muscle tone, low fat, and you will look a lot better in that new swimsuit you bought.
- Help reduce the risk of osteoporosis- Strength training using weights help reduce osteoporosis in women because besides building the muscles weight training also helps circulate blood in your body as well as supplying the bones making them denser. According to a review in Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise, studies show that there is a direct correlation between exercise and bone density.
- Reduces injuries- This is an obvious fact because you know your muscles cover your bones and your bones cover your visceral organs. Muscles help to strengthen connective tissues and joints. So the greater your muscle mass, the more protection for your bones. Your muscles function as the shock absorbers for your organs and bones. You can take more stress on your body because of this.
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