Many people think that these bikini, figure, and fitness competitors were always small and lean and it was very easy for them to achieve their awesome bodies. Well that may be true for a handful of them but not for Francesca Hartman. She made a complete body transformation losing over 80 pounds! Not only that this is a great accomplishment, but she has only been competing in this industry for about 2 years and shes already making her way to the top.

Name: Francesca Hartman
Hometown: Banning, California
Birthday: May 4, 1983
Height: 5’2”
Weight: 130 Off Season/ 120 On Season
Occupation: US Army Drill Sergeant

When I first started losing weight I had made a huge transition from eating whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. All at once I made a decision to become a vegetarian and lose weight. I had absolutely NO idea how to do this healthy and I would just skip meals because I was scared to eat something wrong. I lived on cereal/ macaroni cheese/ pastas/ breads and this bad girls list goes on. What I was eating before was so bad and it was what I thought was healthy lol.

My weekly training split.
My Splits change every few weeks, to keep the body guessing and it will also change depending on if I am on an off season or an on season. My beginning week of my off season is broken down like this:
20min HIT training every day before weightlifting
Day 1: Chest
Day 2: Back (Lats)
Day 3: Butt (Glutes/ hamstrings/Targeting the back of my Legs)
Day 3: Shoulders (Delts/ traps)
Day 4: Arms (Biceps/Triceps/ forearms)
Day 5: Legs (calves/quads/ Targeting the front of my legs)I was recommended for the Bronze Star while serving with 1st Cavalry Division in Baghdad, Iraq 2004-2005. I was assigned to a Combat Engineer BN as a Hemtt (Fuel Truck) Operator transporting 2500gallons of JP8 everyday through Baghdad. Of course more went into being recommended for the Bronze Star, but that will all wait for another day.
It’s so important; my husband can make or break me before a competition if he doesn’t think that I am ready for it. Having his support before stepping on stage makes me great while I am on stage. My family, especially my mom, are all so supportive and they are always so happy for me when I do well, my mom didn’t expect me to be such a tom boy growing up, with playing softball and joining the military at 17yrs. old, so she was very excited to help me do my hair and makeup at 26yrs. old when I decided to get out of my combat boots for a little bit… I think she felt like she found the daughter she always wanted to dress up. Lol.
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